About Us

Raven Road Partners was founded in 2022 as The Resume Rehab as a way to show clients how to write a strong resume that landed more interviews. It quickly evolved into a full-scale career coaching business that started with resumes and ended with salary negotiation. In 2024, The Resume Rehab evolved into Raven Road Partners with a brand that better reflected the complete offerings of the company.

Why Raven Road Partners?

Between the two of us, we've seen countless resumes and conducted thousands of interviews.

We've watched qualified professionals with poor interview skills talk themselves right out of a job. And, we've seen resumes from talented candidates make their way directly to the trash for presenting outdated, underwhelming, and overcomplicated information. We’ve learned a LOT and we want to share our experience with you!

Our clients choose us because we’re deeply experienced in working end to end through the hiring cycle. From talent strategy to tactical execution. We’ve sourced resumes, recruited talent, driven interview cycles, selected and hired exceptional people, and built successful teams.

Why does our experience matter to you?

Because we have seen a wide variety of resumes and met with a great deal of candidates from diverse backgrounds. We have worked across many types of roles at all levels of a hierarchy, in a variety of industries. We know who gets hired and why. Best of all, we know how much they make.

What we do

The Resume Rehab by Raven Road Partners teaches people how to stand out in the hiring process. We help our clients define their direction, showcase their experience, quickly craft an effective resume, build confidence in their job search, ace interviews, navigate offers, and attract their dream job.

Whether you're a seasoned executive, or just getting started in your career, meaningful and enriching work is not only out there, it's meant for you.

Your unique talents and critical skills are desperately needed by your next employer. Don't just apply and pray. Attract your life's work and get hired.

  • If you’ve been passed over for a promotion or your bonus didn’t come through, The Resume Rehab is for you.

  • If your work environment is toxic and you just can’t take it anymore, The Resume Rehab is for you.

  • If you’re exhausted from applying and interviewing without so much as a “thanks, but no thanks”, The Resume Rehab is for you.

  • If you found out your salary is way lower than others in your role, and you know you’re worth more, The Resume Rehab is for you.

  • If you’ve been with your company for what seems like forever, and you’re eager to grow your skills, The Resume Rehab is for you.

  • If you feel awkward talking about your talents, downplaying solo achievements, and give credit to others for work you executed, The Resume Rehab is for you.

The Resume Rehab has the cure.